Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Used to Be Enemies

We used to hate each other. Mean comments, whispered insults, and so on. Perfect enemies. We couldn’t stand being near each other; we abhorred each other’s presence. We always argued and referred to each other with despicable terms with no remorse whatsoever. Only to walk back to our friends and talk about each other; about what she had said about me. About what I thought about her; nasty things. Since then, I have tried to stay away from her. Waiting for her to snap, but she hasn’t.
I never thought we could be friends. I still thought those mean things about her, but maybe she did too. It wasn’t until this year, a few weeks ago, that I decided to give her a chance; maybe she had changed. She sat with me at lunch, we talked and talked. We liked and disliked the same things. We laughed about the same things together. All of these things seemed so impossible a few months ago; that we could be friends, or get along so well.
I never thought it would happen, but we’re friends; good friends even. Mehr: My used-to-be enemy is now my friend.


  1. I guess I have replaced you as Mehr's enemy

  2. Haha I remeberrr that well I love it. Nice comment Max haha

  3. I didn't know you two were enemies! I'll have to keep an eye out for that!

  4. nice haha :P you used to be enemies with meher? I didn't know that?

  5. Thanks for sharing Camilla. I couldn't imagine
    someone not liking you.

  6. Aww! Thanks Mrs. Meadows! I can't imagine anyone not liking you!
