Saturday, August 14, 2010

What I Hope You'll See This Year

Just joking,
Just playing.
I really don’t mean it.

I emphasized.
I highlighted,
I bold-faced,
Your flaws.
I brought out
Your flaws
Without realizing that this
Is my biggest one.
This year, I hope you’ll see how much I care.

I cry to you,
I come to you,
When I feel
Lost or
Lonely or like
I’m losin’ it.

Without you there,
Rooting for me,
Helping me up,
Or tying my shoes
I would have fallen,
And not
Gotten up.
This year I hope you’ll see how much I care.

I will not
Laugh at your mistakes,
You never laugh at mine.

I will not leave you behind;
You refuse leave me.

I will not judge you;
I trust your judgment.

You understand
My humor,
My style,
My dislike for outdoor sports.
Above all ,
You understand

This year I hope you’ll see
Just how much
I care.


  1. Absolute poetic genius! I love your message, you line breaks, your stanzas. This is my favorite one,"I emphasized.
    I highlighted,
    I bold-faced,
    Your flaws.
    I brought out
    Your flaws
    Without realizing that this
    Is my biggest one."

  2. Thank-you! I worked especially hard on this poem to not let down the person it's about! She helps me through everything!

  3. That was a very nice poem. You added so many examples and details that you can already tell what kind of person the person is. The way you kept listing the good things about the person was very poetic, I definitely enjoyed reading this. Great!

  4. Very, very good poem.
    Good use of line breaks,yet one thing bothered me.

    I will not
    Laugh at your mistakes,
    You never laugh at mine.

    I will not leave you behind;
    You refuse leave me.

    This part seems to break the flow of the poem, which is a shame, because it is a good one.

  5. fantastic this is a really awesomme poem there was great detail and example.

  6. really nice poem!! I love the aliteration.

  7. Really beautiful Cami! I feel like I'm really seeing this situation through your eyes. It's one of the best I've read so far! :P

  8. Wassup poetic genious!
    I am here to comment on your story,
    you use the line breakers well
    and the lines are concise making the reader easy to read.
    keep up the fantastic work and may be i'll be ur manager if u ever become a Famous Poet. Thats If u give me enough money though.

  9. I love this poem. I can read it over and over and over again.
