Our group is especially sad when there's a dissension between two of us and the third person sits between the other two at lunch and tries to start a conversation about an assignment but they end up being the only talking. Last year we barely ever got in fights. Even when we did, there was always a good amount of people not involved that you could talk to; people who would take your side when they heard the evilness of the other person instead of staying neutral, or at least until everything was resolved.
To be fair, we knew this was coming ever since around this time last year when Sabrina and Ally made their big reveal and we realized we were gonna be on our own. We figured some new students would assimilate into our group because we are friendly, fun, and fabulous people, but as you may have noticed due to the stunning lack of filled chairs at our lunch table, that didn't happen. Over time, we had meticulously planned welcoming new students, and befriending new students, but there were less students than expected so the plan kind of fell through. Also, I don't think they really like us...
I can't really complain about our group though. The people in it are the best part no matter how many of us are there. We are all alike in one way or another and can relate in so many ways. We can always understand each other because we have all shared similar experiences. We are all dependent on each other, but at the same time, we are all leaders. We never pick favorites and we never lionize one specific member, unless they need some major cheering up.
Being apart has been the greatest challenge that we as a family have had to face, but soon, we'll all see each other again and I am counting the days...
The people you surround yourself with say a lot about who you are. I couldn't be happier with who I've chosen!
Great Story Camila! I loved your topic and how you used your words